We’re pleased to announce an Online Group Therapy program for children aged from one to 12, so they can continue to receive services and therapy and reach their goals during the current isolation period.
We’ve established a regular timetable which means you can sign up to all the sessions in advance, or just pick those which you feel will be most beneficial. Beginning on the 2nd May, they run throughout School Term 2. For younger aged children sessions will be scheduled in the morning, older children in the afternoon. These are small groups, tailored to specific age ranges.
These sessions are both easy to access and affordable, allowing you to connect with other peers. It offers a structured approach to continue to access your therapists.
Sebastian Della Maddalena
VisAbility Therapy Services Manager

Each session will be presented in a fun and engaging way by our fully-qualified therapists and fall under three groups:
- Speech Pathology
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
It’s been really seamless crossing over to delivering programs online. There’s plenty of research which suggests that it’s as equally beneficial and just as effective as face-to-face therapy.
Tennille Burns
Tasmanian Therapy Team Leader
I’ve used online group therapy before and will be definitely signing up to this. My children are very excited about getting involved, I was simply blown away by how it’s helped in the past.
Jen Cross
Mother of two children who are VisAbility clients
What is the duration and cost?
Each session lasts 45 minutes and will be at the same time every week. The cost will be $71.13 for each Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy session, and $82.36 for the Physiotherapy sessions. Funding will be available through the NDIS (link opens in new window) or through a fee for service.
Will they be at regular times throughout the week?
Yes, we have a regular timetable and you can participate in as many as you want. Choose from the following:
Speech Pathology
- Tiny Talkers – for ages one to four-years-old. This session is on a Tuesday at 09:00am WST and 11:00am EST. It focuses on encouraging children’s communication goals, extending vocabulary, book sharing and encouraging turn-taking skills.
- Social Thinkers – for ages nine to 12-years-old. This session is on a Thursday at 3:30pm WST and 5:30pm EST and aims to improve conversation skills and social awareness strategies to develop self-regulation and form friendships.
Occupational Therapy
- Scribbles to Circles – for ages two to five-years-old. This session is on a Thursday at 09:00am WST and 11:00am EST and helps children to practise and learn pre-writing skills. We’ll explore pencil control and fine motor skills.
- Hands on Handwriting – for ages six to 11-years-old. This interactive session is on a Thursday at 2:30pm WST and 4:30pm EST and aims to encourage children to improve on already established handwriting skills. It includes improving letter formation and legibility.
- Training Team – for ages seven and under. This session is on a Monday at 09:00am WST and 11:00am EST and focuses on strength and balance through games and play with other children.
- Workout Warriors – for ages seven to ten-years-old. This session is on a Monday at 2:30pm WST and 4:30pm EST and helps to build muscle strength and improve joint function through games with other children.
VisAbility has provided services to children for many years building a reputation of trust and reliability. These services can be via phone or email, or online via your smart phone, Skype, Zoom or Facetime. You don’t need expensive equipment or technology, all you need is your smart phone, tablet or computer.
Sign up today or if you have any further questions, or contact us on (03) 6245 9232 or email: ctcreception@visability.com.au