People have been dressing up their white canes as part of a social media campaign. The event was organised as part of International White Cane Day, with celebrations this year focusing on assistive technology.
Using the hashtag #MyCaneMyWay, clients posted photographs of themselves with their canes.
Growth of assistive technology
The #MyCaneMyWay social media campaign coincides with a new survey highlighting the benefits of assistive technology. Half a million Australians experience sight loss every year.
”There are huge advances in assistive technology making life easier for those who are blind or partially sighted,” explains VisAbility CEO Elizabeth Barnes.
”We’re seeing more technology within everyday devices and the rise of specialist apps. For example, smartphones offer much more than just a phone connection. They allow you to access apps which can help you to bank, shop and operate household appliances.”
Survey highlights positive impact of technology
A survey by Guide Dogs Australia shows how equipment is making day-to-day life easier for those who are blind. 88% of those surveyed said it helped to maintain a connection with others.
For most people, the humble smartphone or tablet was their essential item, with many respondents using GPS maps to assist with orientation and mobility.
One third used apps for those with vision impairment like Seeing Al, Clew and Soundscape.
Surprisingly nine out of 10 people felt the general public didn’t understand the benefits of technology to people who are blind or have limited sight.
“Demand for Assistive technology is growing because of the global ageing population so we’re seeing more innovative designs coming on the market. It’s exciting to think what the future may hold,” outlines CEO Elizabeth Barnes.
If you live with vision impairment, we have a range of services designed to offer support to live independently including Orientation and Mobility (O & M), Assistive Technology and more. Contact us for more information.