January 1st 2019 is not only the mark of a New Year but the final roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Tasmania.
Currently there are over 5,000 Tasmanians benefiting from the scheme, which means there are a few changes to how we provide our services.
So what does this mean for locals who are not yet signed up to the NDIS?
- If you are 64 and under then you maybe eligible for the NDIS. Find out more on our Funding page.
- If you are 65 or over then you will have to connect up to an aged care package via My Aged Care (link opens in new window).
- If you are not eligible for either, as of the 1st of July 2019 you will be required to pay for services if you are not covered by Department of Veteran Affairs, Insurance, and Medicare (can cover some of the costs for some services).
The core of the NDIS is that individuals will have more choice and control over the supports they receive.
NDIS is also based on a person centered model, meaning that individuals are at the centre of their supports, driving their services and deciding what type of supports they need to achieve their goals.
If you are thinking about your own individualised NDIS plan you should consider all your daily activities and the aids, equipment, training and/or support that would make your life easier, whether currently provided to you or not.
If you are part of an aged care package you should think about access to services such as transport, household jobs, modifications to your home, nursing and personal care etc.
VisAbility/ Guide Dogs Tasmania is a NDIS registered service provider. If you are uncertain what you will need in your 12 month plan, such as assistive technology, aids and equipment, orientation and mobility training, training in life skills, a Guide Dog, it’s your choice to nominate VisAbility.
In your NDIS planning or My Aged Care meeting you can request VisAbility / Guide Dogs Tasmania support you with your intended goals in providing a specialised assessment.
This, however is your decision and it is an option for which you can decide. Contact us or call on our free number 1800 484 333 for further support and information